


医院制作并保存医疗信息记录. While you are a patient here, we will use and disclose your 医疗 information:

To provide treatment to you and to keep a record describing your care

This notice summarizes the ways we may use and disclose 医疗 information about you. It also describes your rights and our duties regarding the use and disclosure of your 医疗 information. This notice applies to all records of your care at 加菲猫医疗中心, whether made by hospital personnel or by your personal doctor. 您的医生和其他医疗保健提供者可能会在他们的办公室使用和披露您的医疗信息时使用不同的通知和政策.

当我们使用"我们"或"医院"时,我们的意思是 加菲猫医疗中心的医务人员 加菲猫医疗中心, 医疗 professionals and other parties who assist us in our business.


To keep your 医疗 information confidential in accordance with legal requirements
To give you this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your 医疗 information
To follow the terms of the notice that is currently in effect


Persons or entities with whom 医院 participates in managed care arrangements
Our volunteers and 医疗, nursing and other health care students
Members of 医院 Medical Staff and other 医疗 professionals involved in your care or performing peer review, 质量改进, 为医院提供医学教育和其他服务


We use and disclose 医疗 information in the ways described below.

治疗. We may use your 医疗 information to provide 医疗 treatment or services to you. 我们可能会向医生披露您的医疗信息, 护士, 技术人员, 医疗, 护理或其他保健专业的学生, 或者其他照顾你的人. 例如, a doctor treating you for a broken leg may need to know if you have diabetes because diabetes may slow the healing process. 除了, the doctor may need to tell the dietitian if you have diabetes so you can have appropriate meals. Departments of 医院 may share your 医疗 information to schedule the tests and procedures you need, 比如处方, 化验和x光检查. 如果您需要从本医院转到另一家医院,我们也可能向医疗机构披露您的医疗信息, 养老院, 家庭保健提供者或康复中心. 我们也可能会将您的医疗信息披露给医院以外在您离开医院后参与您护理的人员,如家庭成员或药剂师.

付款. 我们可能会使用和披露您的医疗信息,以便向您收取您接受的治疗和服务的费用, 保险公司或其他第三方. 例如, we may give your health plan information about surgery you received so your health plan will pay us for the surgery. 我们也可能会告诉您的健康计划您将要接受的治疗,以便获得您的计划的事先批准,以支付治疗费用.

医疗保健业务. We may use and disclose your 医疗 information for Hospital operations, 比如同行评议, 性能改进, 风险管理, 以及我们对许可证的遵守, 认可或认证要求. 例如, we may disclose your 医疗 information to physicians on our Medical Staff who review treatment of patients. 我们可能会向医生透露信息, 护士, 技术人员, 医疗, 护理或其他保健专业的学生, 以及医院的教学人员. We may combine 医疗 information about many patients to decide what services 医院 should offer, and whether new services are cost effective and how we compare with other hospitals. 有时, 我们可能会从此医疗信息中删除识别信息,以便其他人可以在不了解您是谁的情况下使用它来研究医疗保健和医疗保健服务. 我们可能会向参与您治疗的其他医疗保健提供者披露信息,以允许他们开展其设施的工作或获得报酬. 例如, 我们可能会向将您送到医院的救护车公司提供有关您的治疗信息,以便救护车公司可以获得服务报酬.

Activities of Organized Health Care Arrangements in Which We Participate. 对于某些活动, 医院, members of its Medical Staff and other independent professionals are called an Organized Health Care Arrangement. We may disclose information about you to health care providers participating in our Organized Health Care Arrangement, 例如管理式护理或医师医院组织. Such disclosures would be made in connection with our services, 你在健康计划安排下的治疗, and other activities of the Organized Health Care Arrangement.


医院可能会与医院医务人员和其他独立医疗专业人员共享您的医疗信息,以便提供治疗和执行其他活动,如同行评审, 质量改进, 为医院提供医学教育和其他服务. While those professionals may follow this Notice and otherwise participate in the privacy program of 医院, 他们是独立的专业人士,医院明确拒绝对他们的作为或不作为承担任何责任.

Health 服务, 治疗 Alternatives and Health Related Benefits. We may use and disclose your 医疗 information to tell you about (i) health related products or services that we offer, (ii) other providers participating in a health care network that we participate in, (iii)可能的治疗方案或替代方案, or (iv) health related benefits or services that may be of interest to you. We also may use that information to communicate with you to coordinate your care. We may use and disclose your 医疗 information to contact and remind you of an appointment for treatment or 医疗 care.

筹款. We may use your 医疗 information to raise money for 医院. 我们可能会披露您的姓名等信息, address, 电话号码, 性别, age and the dates you received treatment at 医院 to a Hospital foundation so it can contact you. If you do not want 医院 to contact you for fundraising, 请以书面形式通知以下联系人.

医院目录. We may include certain information about you in the 医院目录 while you are a patient in 医院. This information may include your name, your room number, your general condition (fair, stable, etc.)和你的宗教信仰. Your religious affiliation may be given to a member of the clergy, 如牧师或拉比, 即使他们没有叫你的名字. Disclosure of your room will not reveal that you are in a specific unit or area of 医院, if such information would reveal that you are at 医院 for treatment of rape or attempted rape, 艾滋病毒/艾滋病, 或者酗酒/吸毒. 目录信息, 除了你的宗教信仰, 可以释放给那些指名道姓找你的人吗. 这里真是你的家, friends and clergy can visit you in 医院 and generally know how you are doing. If you do not want this information given out, please tell the Admissions Clerk.

Individuals Involved in Your Care or 付款 for Your Care. 我们可能会将您的医疗信息发布给您在医疗保健持久委托书中指定的人(如果您有的话)。, or to a friend or family member who is your personal representative (i.e., empowered under state or other law to make health-related decisions for you). We may give information to someone who helps pay for your care. 除了, 我们可能会向协助救灾工作的实体披露您的医疗信息,以便通知您的家人您的病情.

研究. We may use and disclose your 医疗 information for research purposes. Most research projects, however, are subject to a special approval process. 大多数研究项目都需要你的许可,如果研究人员将参与你的护理或可以访问你的名字, 地址或其他识别您身份的信息. 然而, the law allows some research to be done using your 医疗 information without requiring your authorization.

法律规定. We will disclose your 医疗 information when federal, state or local law requires it. 例如, 医院必须遵守虐待儿童报告法律以及要求我们向州或联邦机构报告某些疾病或伤害的法律.

严重威胁健康或安全. 我们可能会在必要时使用和披露您的医疗信息,以防止对您的健康和安全、公众或其他人的健康和安全造成严重威胁.

注意: Georgia and Federal Law provide protection for certain types of health information, 包括关于酒精或药物滥用的信息, 心理健康和艾滋病/艾滋病毒, and may limit whether and how we may disclose information about you to others.


器官及组织捐赠. 如果你是器官捐赠者, we may release your 医疗 information to organizations that handle organ procurement or organ, eye or tissue transplantation or to an organ donation bank, as necessary to aid in its organ or tissue donation and transplantation process.

军人和退伍军人. 如果你是美国的一员.S. 或者外国武装力量, we may release your 医疗 information as required by military command authorities.

工人的补偿. We may release 医疗 information about you for workers' compensation or similar programs. These programs provide benefits for work related injuries or illness.

未成年人. If you are a minor (under 18 years old), 医院 will comply with Georgia law regarding minors. We may release certain types of your 医疗 information to your parent or guardian, 如果法律要求或允许这样的释放.

公众健康风险. We may disclose your 医疗 information for public health purposes

To report reactions to medications or problems with products
To notify people of recalls of products they may be using
To notify a person who may have been exposed to a disease or may be at risk for getting or spreading a disease or condition

卫生监督活动. We may disclose your 医疗 information to a federal or state agency for health oversight activities such as audits, 调查, 检查, and licensure of 医院 and of the providers who treated you at 医院. These activities are necessary for the government to monitor the health care system, 政府项目, 遵守法律.

诉讼与争议. We may disclose your 医疗 information to respond to a court or administrative order or a search warrant. We also may disclose your 医疗 information in response to a subpoena, 发现请求, or other lawful process by someone else involved in a dispute, 但前提是已作出努力告知您有关要求,并且您有机会提出反对或获得适当的法院命令来保护所要求的信息.

执法. 在某些条件下, we may disclose your 医疗 information for a law enforcement purpose upon the request of a law enforcement official.

验尸官和葬礼主管. We may disclose your 医疗 information to a 医疗 examiner or funeral director so they may carry out their duties.

国家安全. 我们可能会为法律授权的国家安全活动向授权的联邦官员披露您的医疗信息.
保护服务. 我们可能会向授权的联邦官员披露您的医疗信息,以便他们为总统和其他人提供保护.

犯人. If you are an inmate of a correctional institution or under the custody of a law enforcement officer, we may release your 医疗 information to the correctional institution or a law enforcement officer. This release would be necessary for 医院 to provide you with health care, to protect your health and safety or the health and safety of others, or for the safety and security of the law enforcement officer or the correctional institution.


复核权和索取复制件权. You have the right to review and copy 医疗 information in your 医疗 and billing records. The 医疗记录 Department has a form you can fill out to request to review or copy your 医疗 information, 并告诉你要花多少钱. The Hospital will tell you if it cannot fulfill your request. If you are denied the right to see or copy your 医疗 information, 你可以要求我们重新考虑我们的决定. 取决于做出决定的原因, we may ask a licensed health care professional to review your request and its denial. 我们将遵从这个人的决定.

修改权. If you feel your 医疗 information in our records is incorrect or incomplete, 你可以书面要求我们修改资料. You must provide a reason to support your requested amendment. 如果我们不能满足你的要求,我们会告诉你的. The Contact Person listed below can help you with your request.

对披露进行会计处理的权利. 您有权书面要求医院披露您的医疗信息. This list is not required to include all disclosures we make. 披露治疗, 付款, 或医院行政用途, 4月14日之前的披露, 2003, 向您披露或您授权披露的信息, 其他披露信息则不需要列出. The Contact Person listed below can help you with this process, 如果需要, 还能告诉你要花多少钱.

要求限制披露的权利. 您有权提出书面要求,限制或限制我们为治疗使用或披露您的医疗信息, 支付或医疗保健业务. 您还有权要求限制我们向参与您护理的人员披露您的医疗信息或支付您的护理费用, 比如家庭成员或朋友.

我们不必同意你的要求. 然而, 如果我们同意, 我们将遵守您的要求,除非您需要提供紧急处理或根据法律要求进行披露. 在你的请求中, you must tell us (1) what information you want to limit; (2) whether you want to limit our use, disclosure or both; and (3) to whom you want the limits to apply, 例如, 对成年子女的披露.

要求保密通信的权利. 您有权书面要求我们以某种方式或在特定地点与您沟通医疗事宜. 例如, you can ask that we contact you only at work or by mail. 我们不会问你请求的理由. 我们将满足所有合理的要求. Your request must specify how or where you wish to be contacted. The Contact Person listed below can help you with these requests 如果需要.

有权获得本通知书的书面副本. 即使您同意以电子方式接收本通知,您也有权随时收到本通知的纸质副本. You may receive a paper copy of this Notice from the Contact Person listed below.


我们保留更改本通知的权利. 对于我们已经掌握的关于您的医疗信息以及我们将来收到的任何信息,我们保留修改或更改通知的权利. 我们将在医院张贴最新的通知.


如果你认为你的隐私权被侵犯了, 您可以向医院或卫生与公众服务部(HHS)秘书提出书面投诉. 一般, a complaint must be filed with HHS within 180 days after the act or omission occurred, or within 180 days of when you knew or should have known of the action or omission. To file a complaint with 医院, contact the 医疗记录 Director at 626-457-7400. You will not be denied care or discriminated against by 医院 for filing a complaint.


本通知或适用于本院的法律法规未涵盖您的医疗信息的其他使用和披露,仅在您书面许可的情况下进行. If you give us permission to use or disclose 医疗 information about you, 你可以撤销这个许可, 以书面形式, 在任何时候. 如果你撤销你的许可, we will no longer use or disclose your 医疗 information for the reasons covered by your written authorization, but the revocation will not affect actions we have taken in reliance on your permission. You understand that we are unable to take back any disclosures we have already made with your permission, we still must continue to comply with laws that require certain disclosures, and we are required to retain our records of the care that we provided to you.

如果您对本通知有任何疑问, 请联系医疗记录主任, 请拨打626-457-7400.
